Dear creators and folders of the world,

I hope this email finds you well!
We have a new challenge for the new month. May`s challenge is about Optical

There are many great examples of that. The Origami Penrose Triangle, by
Alessandro Beber; the Skull and the Fish by Herman van Goubergen, and the
Arrow Illusion, by Tristan Miller, to name a few.

The CFC has a dedicated page for that, and every submission is presented in
the gallery, so by adding your new creations or, as folders, your
renderings of models, we can create a wonderful gallery on this topic.

As creators, you are encouraged to design a new model and blow our minds!!
You are also invited to upload old models to complete the collection.
As folders, you are welcome to add your folds, and please add full credit
to the creator.

You have to log in to the site to submit an image.

Thank you for participating!!

Ilan Garibi
OBO the CFC Site managers

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