Just to let everyone who's been hiding under a rock recently, know that this 
year's British Origami Society Autumn convention will be held in Edinburgh the 
weekend of 23rd to 25th August.
Our special guests will be Francesco Mancini and Tetsuya Gotani - more 
information and a link to sign up for the convention can be found at 
This is a great opportunity to visit the historic city of Edinburgh, especially 
as the weekend of the convention marks the end of the Edinburgh International 
festival and Fringe - extra nights are available at the convention location 
(Pollock Halls) for those wanting to have some time to properly explore 
Edinburgh.  Also the accommodation at Pollock halls is amongst the cheapest 
accommodation available in Edinburgh at that rime of year.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible!
Happy folding,

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