Dear folders of the world,

We are happy to introduce our latest feature on the CFC site - the Folders'

We wish to map out the folders' community, side by side with the creators'
community. From now on, any registered folder can open a profile, including
his city, and some images of his work, to share with the world.

In this way, you can find other people in your city who love to fold, and
if you travel far, you can easily hook up with some local folders. Just
open the map and look for the city you travel to.

So here is another great reason to register on the site!

As a registered folder you can also vote in the Joisel Award
<>, post models to the Monthly
Challenge <>, vote for your favorite model,
contribute images for the Memoriam pages
<> of the great masters (, and enjoy any future feature we
develop for the good of the community.

If you already registered on the site, we encourage you to update your
profile with your city (no need to get more details than that) and add some
images of your work!

If you are not registered, this is the perfect time for that

As always, many thanks to Michael Shannon, for making our ideas a reality!

May the fold be with you!

Ilan Garibi

CFC Manager

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