Hello Steve,
Steve Houghton wrote:
> Just getting started with the Orion product. Having used JRun in the past,
> it has a very easy start/stop facility thats useful to flush current
> servlets out of memory when developing. Does Orion have something similar?
We have something better, auto-reloading. You are not supposed to ever have to
restart the server even during development for changes in JSP:s, Servlets,
EJB:s or even taglibs. Normally things should auto-reload. Have you tried this
and had problems? What you can try in that case is to touch (or save) the
web-application.xml file. That will cause the whole web-application to be
In the GUI admin tool (scheduled for a release about 2-3 weeks from now) it
will be possible to restart the server if you really want to though.
Karl Avedal
The Orion team