Hi Simon,

> I think that the strength of Jrun is that it can plug in into the most
> famous web server. Orion can't do that, isn't it ? So if a customer
> already have his web server why do he have to change it ? I think that
> plug-ins are a good idea, also if the perfomances of orion are great (
> this doesn't mean nothing for a customer that already has a WS ).

I think it would be useful if Orion could plug into Apache, but I seriously
doubt that it would be possible to do so and still maintain high levels of
performance.  This is due to fundamental architecture differences -- Orion
(and all servlet engines) are multithreaded, while Apache uses a process
fork model.  This means that for every request to a servlet on Apache, there
has to be a hard context switch to the servlet engine to run the servlet.

Take a look at the benchmarks for Resin, (another JSP engine) which can run
standalone and as an Apache module:

When run as Resin/Apache, File handling is very fast (this is pure Apache
here) but servlet/JSP calls are much slower.

(In case you're wondering, Orion appears to be faster than Resin.  See this

My feeling is that if your website is primarily static content + some
dynamic content, use Apache + a servlet engine, such as JRun or Resin.  If
you're building a dynamic web app, use a pure Java webserver such as Orion
or Weblogic.

And who knows, when Apache 2.0 comes out, we may be able to have the best of
both worlds (Apache 2.0 will be multithreaded).  Here's an interesting
article on the future of Apache:


Lots of good stuff in there.

> <question>  Onto which platform can run Orion ? </question>

Anywhere where there is a JDK 1.2 VM, I believe.


Darren Gibbons                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenRoad Communications                               ph: 604.681.0516
Internet Application Development                     fax: 604.681.0916
Vancouver, B.C.                                 http://www.openroad.ca

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