Orion 0.8.1 has been released, it is mainly a bugfix release:

Changes include:
Fixed NPE bug when optional tag attributes werent defined for a taglib tag.
Fixed error in EJB SELECT syntax for composite primary-keys.
Added missing <taglib> tag from the JSP 1.1 PR2 specification.
Increased granularity for entity-bean passivisation sweeps.
Fixed bug where ejbStore would not be called properly under certain
transactional modes.
Fixed DataSourceUserManager to include users from it's parent UserManager.
Fixed "Add bean" bug in EJB-assembler.
Fixed bug where drivers for databases had to reside in the core classpath.
Added ejb-howto.txt and data-sources-howto.txt to the docs directory.
Added library version check (JSP & Servlet) in order to provide friendlier
error messages in case of library shadowing.
Fixed NPE in pageContext.setAttribute(key, value, PageContxt.PAGE_SCOPE).
Fixed returned result of Enumeration finder method not being properly
Fixed bug in <%@ page import="x" %> tags including linefeeds.

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