Does this work in the Web-Site XML file (see the excerpt from the docs
below)?  I tried it but I couldn't get a simple index file to load using
http://ip:port/~user/ or http://ip:port/~user/index.html.
I put the web-app xml file for the user in the user's home directory.
Is that where it's supposed to go?  On a related note, i'm confused by
the relationship between the 'global' site and additional sites.  Orion
has the ability to run two sites on separate ports under one jvm?  What
happens if they are set to the same port?  Who's html directory or
servlet directory is used (assuming they have the same virtual paths)?

I'm impressed by the features of Orionserver and the fact that 2 people
have coded it but without the documentation, I can't really get it
working properly.

      <user-web-apps max-inactivity-time="123" path="/home/*" />
         When enabled user dirs/apps will be supported. Each user has
his own private web-application
         (and connected web-application.xml file). The user apps are
reached at /~username/ from the
         server root.

         max-inactivity-time - Optional attribute specifying number of
minutes of inactivity before a
         loaded user-web-app can be shut down, if not specified no
shutdown will occur.
         path - A path, including a wildcard to specify the local
directory of each user application. The
         default UNIX mask for instance would be "/home/*". The * is
replaced with the username
         when searching for the apps.

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