Great product guys
I would like to encourage the Orion team to ship the latest HypersonicSQL with Orion as the samples database along with the various .XML configuration files, so that out of the box, you can just install orion, copy the tools.jar, run orion and check out the examples.
Neville Burnell
Business  Manager Software
 -----Original Message-----
From: Byron Hawkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 24 November 1999 7:41 AM
Subject: Unable to initialize datasource to HypersonicSQL


I am still unable to start OrionServer with a datasource to HypersonicSQL.  Here is the entry in data-sources.xml:


    <data-source class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource" location="jdbc/DefaultDS">

    <name>Default data-source</name>

    <description>Hypersonic SQL source.</description>







and here is the error:


    >java -jar orion.jar

    Error initializing server: ConnectionDataSourcer driver 'hSql.hDriver' not found


The driver hSql.hDriver is available in the system classpath, and can be found by the default classloader.  Does anyone know why this isn't working?  Thanks.



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