Great server, guys, but I have one request.  Could you please put together a small User's Guide that lists all the configuration files that OrionServer responds to and explains in plain English what they are for.  Include references to other Java documentation if necessary.  I have spent dozens of hours now investigating trivial details that could have been briefly explained in the User's Guide.  I see by the mailing list entries that many other people are having a similar experience.  For example, the RMI service is not running by default (!); a new OrionServer user must examine every file in the orion/config directory and happen to notice that a line containing the keyword RMI is contained in those elusive xml comments.  One would not naturally go looking for the way to activate RMI in an EJB server!  (They kind of go together, right?)  The current OrionServer documentation probably mentions this item, but there is no hierarchy of documentation through which to find it, because the top piece is missing (the User's Guide).  I do not want to look at a document to find out what it's for.  I want to look for particular pieces of information in a process manner, by starting at the top of the documentation tree and descending to the point where each item is explained.  If anyone on the Orion team finds this concept confusing, or questions its importance, please send me email.  I will gladly elaborate in such droning tones as which presently grace your most appreciated attention to this matter.
I notice that the User's Guide has been requested previously, and that the Orion team responded to the negative.  I must insist that this server is not adequately documented until the User's Guide is completed. Please do not make a compromise by changing the default settings to be more intuitive.  Please write a User's Guide and make it available in the download.  Thanks in advance, I'm sure many will appreciate it.

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