
there is also a bug (actually 2) in the generated code for the remove
methods for cmp.

in the case of compound primary keys the generated sql for remove in the
USRGRP_GRP_ID = ?)" ) is invalid and fails with an sql exception.

In addition to that the same bug that is in the generated create methods
(preparedStatement parameter indices are not incremented as has been
reported by several people opn this list) is in the remove methods.

here's a code snippet from the EntityBeanWrapper:

     PreparedStatement statement;
     if(thread.transaction == null) statement =
     else statement =
thread.transaction.getPreparedStatement(context.home.source, "DELETE
     if(this.__userID == null) statement.setNull(1,
     else statement.setString(1, this.__userID);
     if(this.__groupID == null) statement.setNull(1,

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ should be 2
     else statement.setString(1, this.__groupID);
                                            ^^^^^^^^ should be 2

it's probably just one or two lines of code, but without those, orion is
practically unusable for cmp ejbs with compound primary keys. when will
there be an update that fixes those bugs? at the moment we are editing
and recompiling the generated wrapper source code just to keep our
project running which heavily relies on cmp entity beans. could anyone
please comment on that?



P.S.: would you consider keeping your product commercial but release the
source code (like the orbacus orb people do) ? It would really help in
cases like these. We are really interested in your product and think we
have some rather interesting test cases with but are helpless when we
find a bug like that. on the other hand you would benefit from more
qualified bug reports and suggested fixes.  if that is not an option to
you, is it possible to license the source (probably with an nda or
whatever)? we really love your product so far but it's frustrating if
such rather obvious bugs keep us from doing our work, when it's just a
few lines of code.

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
(-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

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