Den 3 Jan 2000 skrev Colin Burroughs:

> Hi,
> Check this out under Orion 0.8.1 on NT inside JSP.
> <%
> for(int i=0;i>-21;i--) {
>       out.print(i+"");
> }
> out.print("<br>");
> for(int i=0;i>-21;i--) {
>       out.print(i);
> }
> %>
> ....the only difference is the empty string appended to the int value in the first 
>loop!  The first loop works as expected:
> 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20
> ..but the second loop returns:
> 0/.-,+*)('0/.-,+*)('0
> The actual values of the int is correct because you can still test its value, but it 
>sure looks unhealthy when you try and flush it to the output stream... (Unless you 
>want to append an empty string to it!!)

It's pretty simple. There is a write() method that accepts an integer and parses it as 
a number (which is the unicode value of the character to be written). If you "add" the 
empty string to the number the result is a conversion to a string with results in a 
different "write" method call (one that writes a string to the output stream).

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