Try adding the classpath as a <library-path> entry in config/server.xml.  I
had the same problem, and this entry seemed to make all classes in the
<library-path> entries available to all threads initiated (at some level) by

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruud Noordermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 07, 2000 1:31 AM
Subject: Problems with 'ClassPath' and Orion

>Hey Guys!
>I'm new to Orion and am trying to get it running on my W95 system.
>Until now I cannot access classes outside of the orion environment.
>It looks like the classpath is not correctly set.
>When I run one of my test servlets which checks the Java VM it tells
>me only the 'orion.jar' is on my classpath, even though I've used the
>classpath entries in 'web-application.xml.
>I'm using:
>   Windows-95
>   Java JDK 1.2.2
>   Orion 0.8.2
>I've tried:
>   setting classpath in 'default-site/web-application.xml'
>   setting classpath in 'config/web-application.xml'
>   adding -classpath on startup of java - orion server
>   defining a classpath in OS-environment
>Any suggestions????
>Thanks in advance!
>Ruud Noordermeer.
>ProGaia Web Solutions
>|Ruud Noordermeer                            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
>|ProGaia Web Solutions BV                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

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