Hi all -
I installed ColdFusion 4.0 using Orion 0.8.2 as my "other server", made all 
the necessary changes (web-application.xml, and cfusion/bin in my path), and 
when I bring up ColdFusion (in Orion) to run the standard ColdFusion test to 
"verify installation and configuration", I select the "Verify Query" button 
from the page, and an NT Dr.Watson error occurs, claiming that CFML.exe had 
an access violation error.  What is that all about?
ColdFusion is running as services on my NT box, and Orion is the only other 
thing running when I try this.  Any suggestions??

Here's what I put in my orion/config/web-application.xml file:


        <servlet auto-reload="false">

thanks in advance,

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