I am attempting to load a large number of objects into my database using the
create method on an entity bean. I have a simple loop that reads a line from a
file, builds the create parameters and then calls create. I've experimented with
reusing the same context and home objects for each create as well as getting a
new context and home per iteration.

I have the same behavior everytime. The program calling create simply hangs at
random places somewhere after 100-200 create operations. I had this same program
do over 15,000 creates using Jonas, so I feel that the client and the bean are
correct. The specific behavior is that the create call hangs on the client and a
debug statement in my bean indicates ejbCreate was never entered.

I looked at it in jdb and noticed that at the time it hung the RMIthread had
exited. If I start another client the thread gets recreated and I can do any
number of operations on the same bean and different beans while the load program
is hung. Also interesting about this state is if I kill the Orion server, the
client remains hung.

This is quite puzzling. Anybody else had similar experiences?

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