Hi all,

I am trying to deploy the atm application example and getting some errors. 

Originally I noticed orion complaining about not being able to find javac
and to copy the tools.jar file into the orion directory.  I have the
following line in config\server.xml:

        <compiler executable="javac" classpath="%CLASSPATH%" />

Originally I tried using jikes which worked fine for jsp's, but had some
problems with ejb's, so I configured it to use javac instead, which again
worked for jsp's but not for ejb's

The only way to cure the error was to actually copy the tools.jar into the
orion directory (which I would like to avoid in the future if possible).  I
believe the line above should work for compiling jsp's as well as ejb's but
I am probably wrong.

After getting the data-sources.xml file configured properly and getting the
application to deploy without errors, I receive the following (endlessly) :

        Orion/0.9.1g initialized
                at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.mr(JAX)
                at com.evermind.server.fc.run(JAX)
                at com.evermind.util.d.run(JAX)
                at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.mr(JAX)
                at com.evermind.server.fc.run(JAX)
                at com.evermind.util.d.run(JAX)
                at com.evermind.util.c.run(JAX)

This is my first attempt at deploying an application, and i followed the
instructions on the website (configured server.xml and default-site.xml).  I
feel like I am close.  I have also written a small application that I would
like to attempt to deploy but I want to make sure I am actually able to
configure the server so that if i fail on this other application, i know the
trouble is with my code, not with the server config.

One other question, Is there an easy way to create .war and .ear other than
the deploytool that comes with the j2ee from sun?

Thanks for the help (and keep up the great work orion guys) :)


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