I'm trying to run the EJB demos and I'm having problems, some of which I've resolved.
I followed the instructions in demo/ejb/install.txt
The first problem occurred during auto-deployment. Here is the text.
java -jar orion.jar
Auto-deploying ejbsamples...
Auto-deploying product...
Auto-creating table: create table MyProduct (id integer not null primary
key, price float null, name varchar (255) null, description varchar (255)
Auto-deploying cart... done.
Auto-deploying usermanager...
Auto-creating table: create table com_evermind_ejb_EJBUser (username
varchar (255) not null primary key, certificateSerial varchar (100) null,
locale varchar (5) null, description varchar (255) null, password varchar
(255) null, certificateIssuerDN varchar (255) null)
Auto-creating table: create table com_evermind_ejb_EJBUser_groups (value
varchar (255) not null, username varchar (255) not null, primary key (value,
Warning: Error creating table: ORA-00972: identifier is too long
Auto-deploying product... done.
Auto-deploying cart... done.
Orion/0.9.1g initialized
The problem is that the table name com_evermind_ejb_EJBUser_groups is too long (31 characters) for Oracle .
Resolution is to edit the demo/ejb/usermanager/orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml
added the table attribute as follows:
<entity-deployment table="Orion_EJBUser" ...
<set-mapping table="Orion_EJBGroups"...
The next is that I can't run the client. The instructions are not quite correct. The classpath should be ../../../ejb.jar etc instead of ../../ejb.jar and could use a :. for unix to find the CartClient.
This is the output:
java -classpath ../../../orion.jar:../../../ejb.jar:../../../jndi.jar:.
Communication error: Lookup error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid
Any help on the security issue would be appreciated. BTW, I did modify principles.xml as specified.