What I did
   -unpacked orion in d:\orion
    -copied tools.jar in d:\orion
    -added  <application name="ejbsamples" path="../demo/ejb" /> in
    -removed deactivated=true from <user username="admin"
password="123"> in principals.xml
    -set CLASSPATH to
    -ran java -jar orion.jar in d:\orion

what I get is:

Auto-deploying ejbsamples...
Auto-deploying usermanager... Error compiling
r/: Error finding a suitable DataSource: No default XADataSource and no
source s
Auto-deploying product... Error compiling
file:/D:/orion/demo/ejb/product/: Erro
r finding a suitable DataSource: No default XADataSource and no source

Auto-deploying cart... done.
Auto-deploying product... Error initializing server: Error
auto-deploying applic
ation-client at product: No location specified and no suitable instance
of the t
ype 'Product' found for the ejb-ref MyProduct

The errors are there because the lack of a suitable DataSource, of
course. What puzzels me is the lack of a message telling me that the
webservice had been started, or something like that.
http://localhost simply doesn't work.

I tried the cart demo afterwards. I went to d:\orion\demo\ejb\cart,  ran
java CartClient, which gives me the following error message:

Communication error: java:comp/ResourceFinder not found

Then I tried to shutdown the server (I know that theoretically I should
not need to do this):

D:\orion>java -jar shutdown.jar ormi:// admin 123
Error: java:comp/ServerAdministrator not found

Could someone please tell me what the <beep> have I done wrong ?

Vlad Petric

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