I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but you can use the same
EJBs in different applications?

Why not create an application for each client (running under one server,
distributed over many machines) - running off the same classes but different
configurations for each app?

I think this would be fairly scalable? As far as I know Orion would only
load one copy of each class, not one for each app.

My $0.02,


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Saturday, 4 March 2000 11:22
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Using Orion in an ASP scenario
> Gary Albers@TIMEWEB
> 03/03/2000 06:21 PM
> Folks,
> We are developing a product that could be deployed under the Application
> Service Provider (ASP) model and are trying to think through what it would
> mean to use Orion as the EJB server .  For example, an ASP sells our
> product to 10 companies.  The ASP provides the hardware, software and
> network infrastructure.  The companies access the software through the
> internet.
> One basic assumption: Each company requires that their data be maintained
> in a separate data base instance for security reasons.  (i.e. There could
> be one Oracle installation but each company has it's own instance of the
> software to house it's data so that no two company's data are in the same
> data base instance.)
> Here is the general problem / question:
> When the deployment descriptor for an EJB application is coded,
> each EJBean
> is tied to a DataSource which is tied to a particular instance of a data
> base.  Therefore, when you start Orion, and it loads an EJBean, all
> instances of that bean are tied to that same data source.
> Doesn't this mean that in order to have 10 companies running the same
> software but connecting to different data sources you would have
> to have 10
> different instances of Orion running?
> Then, when the ASP added 100 more companies, the ASP would have to manage
> 100 more instances of Orion.  What if each instance of Orion needed 500meg
> to run efficiently?  Or if there were a cluster of Orion servers
> needed for
> extra large clients?  It does not seem like a very scaleable
> situation from
> a ASP point of view.
> It seems like a significant barrier to use an EJB server in the ASP model.
> To try and summarize / restate the question:
> Is it possible to have one instance of Orion manage different instances of
> the same application in the same JVM, where at any given moment, an
> instance of an EntityBean might point to a different data source and the
> next moment a different instance of the same EntityBean would
> need to point
> to a different data source?
> I would really appreciate any comments on this, especially from the Orion
> team.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gary Albers

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