I'm currently thinking about jumping ship from JRun to Orion (reasons too
many to count :-) ).  I have been working on a site for about a month but
I'm having problems getting the servlets and beans running on Orion.

The first problem is in how I create application and session scope beans.  I
currnetly use something like:
GlobalsBean globals = (GlobalsBean)context.getAttribute("allectraGlobals");
if (globals == null) {
  globals = new GlobalsBean();
  context.setAttribute ("allectraGlobals", globals);

Orion complains with a ClassCastException in the first line.  Should I catch
the exception and instantiate the bean there or is there something else
fundamentally wrong with what I'm doing (oh, context = getServletContext())

Second, I can't seem to forward from the servlet to a jsp!  I get a
clickable link printed to the screen instead of the redirection taking
place.  To  redirect I'm using:
response.sendRedirect (response.encodeRedirectURL ("/announcement.jsp"));

I am using Orion 0.9.4 on NT.  Thanks for any help.

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