after a day of testing and measuring, i have the following result (always
regarding the performance of the tests i described in the mail "EJB
First of all: you are right, Karl (i have to apologize for the somewhat
"angry" other mail). A great deal of performance gots eaten by the database
calls - or, to be more precise, by the jdbc calls within orion's process
(since the database itself does nearly nothing...). Of the 33ms/bean ca.
17ms are caused by my ejbLoad function. This means two things to me:
- it would be nice of orion, if his part in the game could be tuned
- it is very important to grow the lifetime of entity beans in server
memory; they
should be kicked out only if the server needs the space (see the issue
"Entity lifetime in memory").
We are planning to use orion for a big application with many bean instances
and many searches with large result sets among them. So performance is very
important to us (and our customers won't be able to afford a Sun Enterprise
10000 for this ;-)
Best regards,
Jens Stutte

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