Join the club.  I have been trying to get some help on deploying a simple
EJB Bean for the last 3 days.  There are no messages of exceptions from
ORION.  Everything appears to deploy correctly, but I cannot find the 'home'
bound in to the naming space.  At this point, I don't have the time, energy,
resources, or the budget to continue with ORION evaluation.  It might be
great, but spending 3 days on such a trivial problem is not acceptable.
I'll continue my evaluation with BEA Weblogic.

-----Original Message-----
From: mark kaseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 6:22 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Frustration

        I would like to share my frustrations with the group. I have a small
JSP application that works fine with jswdk-1.0.1 from SUN.    This
application does getClass().getResourceAsStream("") to
retrieve some run-time property values and then does           
             classGenericDynDataBase        = clsldrEIEDynLoader.loadClass
("com.mkaseman.util.JDBC.JEieDBInstantDB", true);
             uoDynDataBase   = (JEieDynDBBase)
    based on the values in the run-time properties.
    This all works fine under jswdk-1.0.1, under ORION I have nothing but
java.lang.Exceptions. It seems I can no longer find my properties file? I
can tweak my getResourceAsStream and redeploy my jar file to get past this
problem, but the next exception now on the loadClass method. No we can't
find the class I am trying to load dynamically. 
    I give up, what's the issue??? I don't want to re-configure everything
at this point only to find another exception awaits me.


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