i have a strange benaviour of both orion 0.9.4q and 0.9.4v (but not with
0.9.4). I have a business method in an entity bean, which itself calls
business methods in other entity beans (same type, but different instances).
I have a remote client, that basically does nothing but call this method -
and nothing after this call.
>From my own log files i can see, that the method is executed successfully.
However, after this execution the server initiates first two ejbStore ops
(on each bean touched by the method), and after this (appearantly
unmotivated) an ejbLoad on some bean. However, on the server side everything
seems to be ok: no exceptions, no core dumps... 
Meanwhile the client recieves a:
java.rmi.RemoteException: Transaction was rolled back: Error in
ejbPassivate: java.lang.InternalError: Werent current caller
        at com.evermind.server.rmi.a3.invokeMethod(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.rmi.av.invoke(JAX)
        at __Proxy1.setBeanReference(Unknown Source)
        at de.netmedia.ejb.test.clienttest.main(clienttest.java:77)
What does this mean ? My ejbPassivate function does only set some variables
in the bean to null / 0. I could not figure out any information on "Werent
current caller" at javasoft.com. Is it an exception generated by orion ? By
the JVM (I'm using Linux, Sun JDK 1.2.2 on the server and windows NT Sun JDK
1.2.2 on the client) ? And why the client recieves an exception for a
function, that only the server executes on its will (and not on client
requests) ?
Does anyone know, what happens ?
Jens Stutte

[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.net-media.de

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