Hello there.

I've just installed Orion on an NT 4 workstation, and I'm having some
trouble getting it to see tools.jar.

Rather than just copy it to the Orion directory, I decided to be
bloody-minded and point to the path instead.

My server.xml file looks like this:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "Orion Application Server Config"

     <!-- Path to the libraries that are installed on this server. These
will be
     accesable for the servlets etc -->
     <library path="/jdk1.2.2/lib/tools.jar" />
     <rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" />
     <!-- JMS-server config link, uncomment to activate the JMS service -->
     <!-- <jms-config path="./jms.xml" /> -->
     <data-sources path="./data-sources.xml" />
     <principals path="./principals.xml" />
          <file path="../log/server.log" />

     <global-application name="default" path="application.xml" />

     <global-web-app-config path="global-web-application.xml" />
     <web-site path="./default-web-site.xml" />

     <!-- Compiler, activate this to specify an alternative compiler such
          as jikes for EJB/JSP compiling. -->
     <!-- <compiler executable="jikes" classpath="/myjdkdir/jre/lib/rt.jar"
/> -->


.... but Orion still can't see the tools.jar file in \jdk1.2.2\lib; when I
try to call up one of the example JSP files, it tells me that it can't find
the javac tool, and that I need to copy the tools.jar file, or set the
library path.

So what have I missed?

Thanks in advance

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