Thanks for your reply.  I did try, in my post, to let it be known that my
experiece was with Jonas and I didn't like Jonas but I guess I didn't get
that across.  I did realize that I may be spouting off because of a bad
implementation of a container.


1. I have heard the same thing from consultants at WebLogic about entity's
and how they don't use them much (note I spoke with them about earlier
versions of WebLogic and have not spoke with them since ejb 1.1 has come out
or WebLogics current version).
2. How do you handle joins for lookups without creating a bunch of views?
3. Even though Jonas implementation may not be very good, there docs are
much better and their demos come working with correct instructions to use


----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Hargreaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 5:50 AM
Subject: RE: Is CMP is useless?

> Dale,
> I think your opinion on entity beans may be clouded by your use of Jonas
> 1.6.
> We used Jonas in our project up until about 3 months ago. The entity bean
> performance in jonas is absoulutely terrible - their development team
> admitted to it , something to do with RMI calls. The only way round it at
> that time was to do what you're doing and write a load of SQL code in
> session beans for handling collection stuff. This would be when iterating
> over CMP collections would be too slow. In the end we had two lots of
> one slow that used entity bean calls( that we kept but didn't use) and one
> lot fast that used SQL calls.
> Then someone mentioned Orion on the Jonas Mailing list, and that the
> bean performance was a lot better than Jonas. We tried Orion and got it
> working (eventually) and were blown away by its performance. In most cases
> the entity bean collection code in Orion would be FASTER than the SQL
> session code in Jonas.
> Fortunately we kept all the CMP code and we try to steer clear of SQL
> statements in any type of EJB - as someone mentioned earlier its not as
> portable, but also the java compiler or Orion deployment tool will always
> catch table/column name errors and type errors where as hardcoded SQL
> Just my 10 euros.
> Regards
> Rob Hargreaves
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dale Bronk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 05 April 2000 14:54
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: Is CMP is useless?
> I do not claim to be an expert in any way, these are just my opinions from
> my experience.  My experience so far is with Apache, JRun, and Jonas 1.6
> the container.  I have not had time yet to get into Orion, but plan to
> The reason I haven't got into Orion yet is I don't have time to jump in
> battle with it with no real documentation.  I do not like Jonas either.
> was chosen by my client because they are really into the free open source
> stuff.
> Let me know if you think I am way off base as would loved to get other
> opinions and maybe learn something new.
> Dale

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