Hi everyone,
        I tried doing something new this afternoon with orion and I tried placing
a jClob in an entity EJB. All my entity code compiled clean. I added this
to my oracle.xml file in the

<type-mapping type="java.sql.Clob" name="clob" />

(yes, i reference this oracle.xml file in the data-sources.xml file in the
config dir =)

the problem arose when I tried to deploy this bean.

orion tried to use the followig sql statement to create the table:
create table IssueEJB (id number(20,0) not null primary key, issueTypeId
number(20,0) null, projectId number(20,0) null, priorityId number(20,0)
null, statusId number(20,0) null, enteredBy varchar2(255) null, enteredDate
date null, statusDate date null, assignedTo varchar2(255) null, dueDate
date null, issueAbstract varchar2(255) null, issueDesc longvarbinary null)

when it should have been:
create table IssueEJB (id number(20,0) not null primary key, issueTypeId
number(20,0) null, projectId number(20,0) null, priorityId number(20,0)
null, statusId number(20,0) null, enteredBy varchar2(255) null, enteredDate
date null, statusDate date null, assignedTo varchar2(255) null, dueDate
date null, issueAbstract varchar2(255) null, issueDesc clob null)

long story short, it used longvarbinary instead of clob.

what am i doing wrong?

As a substitute fix for this problem, I created teh table manually in
sqlplus using the correct data type (clob) instead of longvarbinary. think
this will cause any problems?

I am also having some problems working with clobs in the bean components.
to work with clobs in oracle 8i, you need to open a stream to the db and
then write to the stream, doesnt this make CMP entity beans a little
difficult? do i need to do a BMP entity instead?


"Blues is to jazz what yeast is to bread-without it, it’s flat."
                      Carmen McRae

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