Anyone experienced problems using getRequestDispatcher() with orion?
The following returns null for me for 'dispatcher'

 RequestDispatcher dispatcher;

 ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
 dispatcher =

 if (dispatcher != null)
     dispatcher.forward(req, res);
     System.out.println("Request dispatcher == null");

I have a feeling that it has something to do with the relative
URL passed to getRequestDispatcher. In an orion application setup what
should this be? I'm developing an app called "controller" with JSPs,
servlets and beans. All my class files for the beans and servlets are
under the root \orion\lib\com... directory.
All my JSPs however are under the root /controller/controller-web
directory. So I use the URL above.

Is this the correct one? I know this URL specification must begin
with "/" and is relative to the app's root dir, which I'm assuming
here to be /controller. Perhaps I have to place the JSPs somewhere
under /orion ?
Any help appreciated.
Ferghil O'Rourke

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