
I have a deployment problem, I would like to solve and so far I am not 
quite sure if it's doable using standard j2ee means or if it needs orion 
specific features.

suppose I have an ejb-module that encapsulates persistence related code in 
an api which it exposes as a type of service. I would like to use this 
module with the exact same db-mappings etc. as a black box from several 
servlets. so far no problem. but what happens when I want to use the 
ejb-module from a web module of a different j2ee application? is this 
doable? what would be an elegant way to set this up? the reasons I don't 
want to deploy the ejb-module in all applications that use it are the 

1. I don't want to administer, version-control etc. the orion-ejb-jar.xml 
with all the mappings and finder definitions more than once.
2. the overhead of deploying an ejb-module with fine grained cmp is quite 
high (memory consumption, startup time) so this is really an issue if the 
module is large (which it is because it's generated automatically via dumb 
schema mapping with a rich service layer facade)  an the number of times we 
want to deploy the servlet that uses the api is large.

right now I'm thinking into several directions:
1. set up an ejb-ref across application boundaries (I'm looking into the 
spec to see if that's legal), don't know how to do in orion, though
2. have the service facade register a reference to itself somewhere 
(JNDI-Context available to all applications?) on startup so the other 
servlets can obtain the reference from there
3. deploy all the servlets in one application and implement something like 
a simple rewriting scheme (a la apache mod_rewrite) using a servlet filter 
for the websites using the service. haven't looked into that yet so I might 
be off-track here.

thanks for any hints/comments,


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
(-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

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