Hi all,

I'm having a wee problem with JNDI contexts in Orion RC1 that I would 
appreciate a hand with.

I am running two Orion application servers (A & B). On server A I am running
a JSP from which I am trying to access an EJB residing on server B.  
the Server B EJB via the context of server B works fine from a 
standalone client app
w/ the following standard trusty JNDI code...

                       Properties props = new Properties();
                       props.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin");
                       props.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "123");
                       Context ctx = new InitialContext(props);
                       Object ob = ctx.lookup("TheEjbName");


The exact same code running from within a JSP on server A always obtains 
the context
of the JVM on server A.  Although the context properties specifically 
reference server
B (by its IP address). 

Has anybody else had the experience of the PROVIDER_URL being ignored in 
of the local JVM when trying to obtain a remote context from within a JSP ??

Many thanks for any tips,

Dave Elliot

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