Hi James,

Thank you very much for the pointer to Ant. I am evaluating it as we
speak. However, I find ant less powerful than make, because with the
Makefile I am building I just have to change the name of the application
and the names of the beans in order to get a new makefile for a different
EJB application. Although ant seems very nice at first glance, I don't
think it is powerful enough. What I am missing is `patsubst'
functionality. It may be in there, but I haven't found it yet. /:)


> Take a look at Jakarta Ant
>      http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/index.html
> Written in Java, uses an XML makefile format... very nice!  Our build is
> entirely automated using Ant and our customised Tasks.
> Regards,
> James Dodd
> ZDNet
> Ernst de Haan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/16/2000 01:25:40 PM
> To:   Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    (bcc: James Dodd/ZDNet/LON/ZDEUR)
> Subject:  Makefiles
> Is ne1 using Makefiles with Orion?
> Currently I am setting up a generic Makefile that will generate the EJB
> class files, Web class files, EJB jar file, Web jar file and the .ear
> file, but I'm still struggling. :)
> Ernst
> --
> Ernst de Haan
> Freelance Java Architect
> "Come to me all who are weary and burdened,
> and I will give you rest" -- Jesus Christ

Ernst de Haan
Freelance Java Architect

"Come to me all who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest" -- Jesus Christ
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title:Java Architect
fn:Ernst de Haan

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