I use deploytool to package everything up, and all works great, except in
the deploytool the JNDI naming scheme seems to have nothing to do with
Orion. I spent more than an afternoon trying to deploy EJB's. When I deploy
an EJB, I create the Display Name, EJB Name, everything the name of my bean
for instance:

User            EJBObject
UserHome        EJBHome
UserEJB Session or EntityBean, whatever.

Now, my Display name for this would be UserEJB, EJB Name, UserEJB, etc..
Then in my client code (in this case, a .JSP), I simply execute:

        InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
        Object objRef = ctx.lookup("UserEJB");
        UserHome userHome = (UserHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
                        objRef, UserHome.class);
        User user = userHome.create(userId, password);

I hope this helps everyone, because I had the same battle.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 3:35 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJB Deployment

Hi All...

A look through the archives seems to indicate this question is often asked
but I didn't see an answer...

Two people here have spent the afternoon trying to deploy EJB beans under
orion. No luck.

Is there any documentation or guide, beyond the docs that came with Orion,
available? We are getting errors that indicate the server can't find our
calsses, and have not been able to fix this problem or get even simple
beans to deploy.

Any hints or information would be appreciated.



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