Hi Orion team and fellow list members.

Ok..this idea is probably already been thought of, but I would love to hear
alternatives to it, and from the Orion team, maybe if and when it would be
available, if its not already and I am just not aware.

Ideally, a few things I would like to see. First, the ability to turn Orion
into an NT service. I have a java to NT service program..but it would be
nice to see Orion come packaged with the ability to be ran as a service.

Second, an install program. Mainly to allow the configuring of service/app,
and maybe some other small things, like setting up a site, etc.

Third, a way to stop/start/restart orion quickly, like the way Resin does
it. Sorry..don't mean to bring up Resin, but that is one feature I like..its
very quick. You just click stop and start, and as fast as you do it..its
restarted. Right now, I run Orion as an app (not service) and I usually have
to close the app and run it again, which takes about 5 seconds on my PIII650
for it to load up (I assume mostly because of the JVM reloading?). Is it
possible to keep java itself running and just reload the orion.jar..and if
so..is that alot faster than actually killing and restarting the java
process that loads orion.jar?

I know there was a start/stop tool with Orion from a while ago..just haven't
figured out how to use it yet.

Other than that..it seems to be working great thus far.


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