It seems like the http session expires after a couple of minutes if the
application deployed on Orion has been sitting idle.  As long as there is
some activity, the session stays active.  
For example, if the session is first acquired in one servlet which brings up
a login web page:
HttpSession mySession = request.getSession( true );

Clicking of the submit button invokes another servlet where the same session
is obtained:
HttpSession mySameSession = request.getSession( false );

This works fine if the user clicks the submit button within a couple of
minutes.  If the user waits longer, the value of mySameSession is null.

Does anybody know how we can set session time outs regardless of  whether
there has been any activity or not?  Our application consists of servlets
talking to stateful session beans.  Is the http session time out related to
session bean time outs?


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