
I'm trying to have an applet communicate with a servlet which in turn
communicates to an ejb, than back to the servlet and back to the applet.
But i'm having problems with the deployement.

How do I get the applet to find the servlet in the application's directory?
First of all, if I put the servlet in the "/servlets" directory or in the
"/default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes" directory and modify the web.xml for the
latter, then the applet can find the servlet without any problems. But if i
do that, it seems that the servlet can't locate the deployed application
(ejb's) which is in the "/applications/myapp" directory.

Bascially, I'm confused on where i should put the servlet, since if I deploy
my application, the war is autamatically extracted in the application's
"war-ic" subdirectory. But in this case, I don't know how to communicate
with the servlet residing there, from my applet which is in the
default-web-app directory!

It's just really not clear on how I should deploy my application and what
lookup name I should use. For the servlet in the /servlets or
default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes, from my applet i connect through http at
the location /servlet...

any help would be very appreciated.



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