
I think I have found a bug with CMP in Orion.

The error is simple and you can test it.
I have a Entity Bean with a field called users--type Collection--.
My entity have simple methos like addUser, removeUser, getUsers.

Without specifying   public static final Class users_type =
java.lang.String.class; in my EJB all works nice.
I have a test application that works without problems.

If I specify this line ( public static final Class users_type =
java.lang.String.class;) the test applications fails.
System/communication error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;
nested exc
eption is:
and the client code:

 Place thePlace = (Place)home.findByPrimaryKey("pedro");

  String users[] = thePlace.getUsers();

   for (int i =0;i<users.length;i++)

In the server side the problem arises when obtaining the users, in the
getUsers method.

If any Orion guy is interested in fixing this problem I can send you the
source code.

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