I have 2 questions?

I have created a company EJB that references itself for a parent Company.
The Table is:

Create Table Company
           CompanyId                    int not null,
           CompanyName          varchar( 60 ) not null,
           ShortName                    varchar( 20 ) null,
           ParentCompanyId              int null,
           Constraint Company_PKEY Primary Key ( CompanyId ),

Alter Table Company 
           Add Constraint Company_FKEY2 Foreign Key ( ParentCompanyId )
                              references Company ( CompanyId );

The Bean has the field ParentCompany. When I deploy the generated
orion-ejb.xml has the following:

<cmp-field-mapping name="ParentCompany">
        <entity-ref home="Company">
                <cmp-field-mapping name="ParentCompany">
                                <cmp-field-mapping name="CompanyId"
persistence-name="ParentCompanyCompanyId" />

What do I need to do to get this to deploy correctly???


Second issue is a find by Company Name it generates the
"ParentCompanyCompanyId" also but it is also looking for a exact match.
Under Oracle I need to do a "like" to return a collection. Not sure what I
need to do to make this happen?

SnowWolf Wagner

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