
i have an application, in which multiple clients will concurrently modify
the same entity bean instances, with which i experienced heavy problems. The
database backend sometimes throws exceptions as if there were concurrent
locks on the same resources. I tried to experiment with the isolation level
settings in the orion-ejb-jar.xml, but this seems to have no effect. 

As far as i have understood the EJB concept, an entity bean could be
considered as a sort of "serialization bottleneck" for concurrent
transactions. There is only one instance which sequentially satisfies the
clients requests (and if the isolation level is set to "repeatable_read", it
should "serialize" the requests on a per transaction basis, i assume, ie do
not let anyone else read or write the bean until the transaction has
finished). Orion instead seems to run the ejbXXX functions in concurrent
threads simultanously and the isolation level setting does not seem to have
any effect.

Could someone please clearify how it is assumed to be following the spec
(the above is only my interpretation) and how it is implemented in orion
(and which transaction related settings work and which not)? In this context
i'd like to mention the "max-tx-retries" setting, which either does not work
or i do not know for which type of exception it does work.

The transaction behaviour is very important for me, since i don't use EJB as
another (read) access type to existing databases, but in a very dynamic,
heavily changing data environment with many concurrent transactions.

Thanx in advance for any reply,

Jens Stutte

P.S.: Last week i posted a bug with the subject "Different home class type
returned by local than by remote client". Are there any news on this issue?

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