I have a Primary Key class defined for my entity bean.  The table only has
one primary key, and the key class only has one attribute.  When I deploy
and attempt to invoke 'findByPrimaryKey(pk)', I get an abstractMethodError.
Deploying an entity bean with a table of two primary keys and a class that
has the two attributes, it works fine.  Same for deploying a bean with a
table that has one primary key, and using an equivalent java object as the
primary key(and no seperate class).  Does Orion have a 'rule' that you
cannot have a primary key class that has only one attribute?  Does it
mandate that you simply use the equivalent java object type of the primary
key like BigDecimal?

This is a huge showstopper for us, so any feedback would be great.


James Birchfield
Senior Software Engineer

Ironmax.com LLC
a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

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