Daniel, can you give us (well, me) a HOwto on this?

On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Daniel Stahl wrote:

> Mattias Arbin writes:
>  > Hi,
>  > I now use 1.1.9 and get:
>  > E:\java\orion>java -jar orion.jar
>  > Error listening to SSLServerSocket: No available certificate corresponds to
>  > the
>  > SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
>  > Orion/1.1.9 initialized
>  > 
>  > What could be bad with my certificate? I have done exactly what is told in
>  > the documentation. (See my previous post)
>  > How do I know which "SSL cipher suites" that "are enabled"?
>  > How does Orion know which certificate in the keystore to use? When I have
>  > several entries in the keystore, I get:
>  > Error starting HttpServer: Unable to intialize SSLServerSocketFactory
>  > 'com.evermind.ssl.JSSESSLServerSocketFactory': Unrecoverable key error:
>  > Cannot recover key
>  > I feel pretty frustrated. SSL is a must in my case and right now these
>  > problems makes it impossible to use Orion in our project. Too bad, because
>  > Orion seems very nice.
>  > 
>  > Could somebody that has a working SSL configuration confirm that it is
>  > possible to make it work.
>  > 
> The trick is not to use keytool. We have just tested to make our own 
> com.evermind.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory which rely on the pkcs#12 part
> of iaik jce. 
> We then feed jsse with pkcs#12 files instead of a keystore file. The
> initial test works great and because we supply a initial seed for 
> JSSE we get a great performance hit. Other then that it is pure
> JSSE. Try to make sure that you are using jsse1.0.1.
> The only thing we have not managed to figure out is how to make orion 
> use our SSLServerSocketFactory implementation. Because of classloader 
> problems you have to modify the orion.jar file and add our class. The
> only problem with this solution is that iaik is a commercial
> software. We have not been able to find a free implementation of pkcs#12.
> Best Regards
> /Daniel Stahl

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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