I've got a similar problem - I want to get the context part of the URL (the
'root' attribute in the 'web-app' element in default-web-site.xml).

The J2EE API documentation illuminates the HttpServletRequest method
getContextPath() as returning this information.  Unfortunately when compiling
against Orion.jar I get a 'no such method' error.

How else can I retrieve at runtime the context in which a given servlet is


James Dodd


"Mattias Karlsson (QDT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/06/2000
10:03:46 AM

To:   Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: James Dodd/ZDNet/LON/ZDEUR)

Subject:  Base URI


I'm new to Orion and this list so I sorry if this is a really stupid question...

I have an application under ..orion/applications/myApp

My problem is that orion reports (in my case) the wrong Base URI
I have a Servlets that pick up all request under /myApp/service.

When I call req.getRequestURI() (where req = HttpServletRequest) i my servlet it
"/service" but for cross-server-porpose I need it to be "/myApp/service"

Help me to get around this problem.
This is the way my "orion-xmls" look like.:
(server.xml) -> <application name="myApp" path="application.xml" />
(application.xml) -> <web-module id="myApp" path="../applications/myApp" />
(deafult-web-site.xml) -> <web-app application="myApp" name="myApp"
root="/MyApp" />

Mattias Karlsson

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