• I have written two JSP pages.
  • The first does a JSP:include of the second in one of its table cells.  Page 1 shows an ID with myBeanX.getID()
  • Each of the pages uses MyBeanX with the same variable name and a scope of session.
  • The included page, page 2, is actually a login page that does a myBeanX.setID = <id for login from the page> and then calls the main page, page one, as its action.  Page 2 also displays the current id with myBeanX.getID().
  • When page 1 is called, from page 2, it shows the previous ID while page 2, the included page, shows the "just set ID".  Page 2 is the expected behavior.  Page 1 is laggin behind.
Comments, suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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