Hello Sumit,

Adding the <max-http-connections> tag is a way to restrict the number of http
connections. That is, without such a tag, there isn't such a limitation.

Most config tags do not have default values since it doesn't make sense for
them (for example addresses, paths, names). However, there could of course be
cases where tags should have defaults and we've missed it, and we'd be happy
to get feedback on such specific cases.

Karl Avedal

"Nijhawan, Sumit" wrote:

> Does anyone know how to figure out the default value of config items?
> Specifically, I am looking for the default value of the maximum number of
> http connections at a time allowed in Orion.  Does the absence of the
> relevant tag mean an unlimited number of connections.  The documentation
> merely describes the tags in the xml config files but does not always
> mention what the default settings are.
> Thanks.
> Sumit

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