> Please, explain me how to integrate orionserver with other web
> servers like Apache.

At the moment it doesn't. Your options are to run orion's webserver
alongside your existing web-server (on another port/ip), or to create some
kind of wrapper extention for your existing server to forward certain type
of requests to orion. The latter option is fairly trivial under apache with
something like mod_perl, and is how a lot of other servlet engines work
(jserv, tomcat, jrun, etc) but your performance will be impacted badly as
each web-request requires an additional tcp connection to be made.

> And I'd like to know how to start only
> application server, not whole orionserver.

whole orionserver == application server. If you mean you want to start the
server without the web-service, you can remove all <web-site> tags from

-Joe Walnes

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