Hey, I switched to Orion recently from tomcat, and I'm having a problem
with nested jsp tags.

        <tr><td><test:TestEntityTag /></td></tr>

doesn't seem to work in orion.  the 'TestBodyTag' writes the bodyContent to
the page after the entity tag has been written, so i end up with

contents of TestEntityTag

Is there a way to get the internal tags to write to the bodycontent of the
parent tag?  In tomcat anything you write to 'out' inside the body is just
put into the bodycontent of the parent tag, and output in the doEndTag()

This is causing a big problem for me, and any help would be appreciated.  

In my example, the body tag looks like:

        public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
                }catch(java.io.IOException ioe) {

and the Entity tag looks like:

        public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
                try {
                        out.println("contents of the entity tag<br>");          
                }catch(java.io.IOException ioe) {

I'm defining 'out' in  a TagBase class that I extend:
        out = pageContext.getOut();


PS, I am totally impressed with Orion! It you guys rock.

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