Is anyone else using the orion XSLServlet?

I have been trying to use xsl:variable and xsl:parameter, e.g.

    <xsl:variable name="images">/common/images</xsl:variable>

This should be allowed at the top level However, trying to process an xml 
request through this stylesheet yields the following message:

Internal XSL-parser error: java.lang.RuntimeException (createDocument() not 
supported in XMLParserLiaisonDefault!)

If I remove the variable declaration, everything works fine. There are no 
reference to the variable yet...

Another issue is the use of special characters, such as ©, or a bullet 
(&#149;) within the xsl stylesheet. Each of these displays an additional 
character in front of the special character, e.g. ©.


Earl Marwil
1690 International Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

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