Have you tried to duplicate the error on other platforms?

I have received this error numerous times.  It seems to be machine specific.   I
get it all the time with my laptop; but with mine and other desktops, I do not
get it.  I have consulted others on this issue and they are inclined to believe
that it has to do something my mahcine's IP stack.

Anders Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/13/2000 08:05:14 AM

To:   Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Netscape 4.7: Connection reset by peer

Thomas Kwan wrote:
> Have anyone seen Connection reset by peer doing a POST operation
> using Netscape 4.7?
> I got the error randomly.

We've been having the same problem when POSTing from an applet in
Netscape. It seems to appear only when the posted data is above some
size (don't remember what size exactly).
We reported it recently, but I don't think we have received any response

A n d e r s  B e n g t s s o n                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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