We develop e-commerce site (not yet gone in real production)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 4:41 PM
Subject: Ecommerce sites using Orion

> We're developing a fairly large ecommerce solution for a client, and there
> is a little bit of concern that we're breaking new ground (which I think
> are, in a good way) and that Orion hasn't been proven in this area. It's
> a major issue, and we'll be running the site with Orion regardless, but if
> anyone could provide me with a few links to some ecommerce sites (small
> are OK) that use Orion I could ease a few minds.
> The sites listed on www.orionserver.com in the FAQ are mostly news sites
> portals etc.
> Or what about work-in-progress - any ecommerce sites on the way?
> Thanks for any help on this one!

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