Figured out how to do perl/cgi in orion, and wow was it easy.

In the web.xml for my application I added the lines:



(I tried getting using the url-pattern 'cgi-bin/*.cgi' but it didn't
seem to work.)

Just to make things work like my usual Apache setup I created a new
web site on a funky port by adding the following lines in server.xml:


    <web-site path="./gts-rc4.xml" />

and creating the gts-rc4.xml file to the orion/config directory:

        <!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root -->
        <default-web-app application="default" name="defaultWebApp" />

        <web-app application="gts-rc4" name="web" root="/" />

        <!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to -->
        <access-log path="/var/orion/log/gts-rc4-access.log" />

This is a development site or it would be on port 80.

All that remained to do was to make sure that all the html and cgi
stuff was in the dist/web directory (dist from the application path,
web from the web-app name (?)).

Nice.  It would have been even nicer with doc, of course, but hey,
this ain't bad!


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