Perhaps the best way to get started is to start by using the most easily
understood but very powerful Java Enterprise APIs (Servlets and JSP).  JSP
is a great alternative to IIS/ASP for many reasons including speed.  

Orion is a great choice for this because it is pretty easy to get going as
you don't need to install other modules like you would need to with Apache.

As your knowledge progesses you can then dive into the EJB realm.


At 01:14 PM 8/21/00 -0400, Charles Fausz wrote:
>I am currently looking at three servers.  Apache, IIS, & Orion.
>I'm most interested in Orion, but scared because of the lack of
documentation.  I would like to get involved somehow and make a
contribution to this project.  What can I do?
>Before you answer that, let me give you some background.  I'm a
powerbuilder developer and trying to get my hands into java.  I don't have
much to offer as I don't know much about java, orion, server admin,
networking, or hardware.  I'm very confused by most of the emails sent to
this list.  I don't have much of a high-level understanding of this "stuff"
 which does nothing but increase my learning curve.  I'm not looking for a
handout, but some leadership.
>With that said, I would like to help.  I'm sure there is something that I
can do, I just need guidence.  I know if I can contribute, I'm sure to gain
knowledge myself.
>Phil Fausz

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