Thanks for the tip.  Unfortunately, this seems to have no affect.  I have
tried to set the exclusive-write-access to false, and have played with
different isolation levels as well.  I will keep plugging away i guess.

Thanks again!

James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

|        |          "Chris       |
|        |          Miller"      |
|        |          <kiwi@vardus.|
|        |>       |
|        |                       |
|        |          08/22/00     |
|        |          10:32 AM     |
|        |                       |
  |       To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Orion-Interest" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                          |
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:     Re: Transaction problems...                                     

I'm just guessing, but have you tried setting exclusive-write-access
in your orion-ejb-jar.xml file? It sounds like Orion is doing some
optimisation to speed things up because it thinks it has exclusive write
access to the database - but your triggers are going behind Orion's back
without it realising. Turning this off might force Orion to call the

See \orion\docs\orion-ejb-jar.xml.html for more info.

Worth a try anyway...

----- Original Message -----
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 2:04 PM
Subject: Transaction problems...

> We have been using transactions successfully for a while now....or so we
> thought.
> Here is the scenario.  We have a series of registration pages on our
> We gather all the information we need, and at the end
> we create a stateless session bean passing it all the information we
> In this session bean, we have seven tables that get
> modified by calling the create method of seven different entity beans.
> wrap the whole series of method calls in a usertransaction
> similar to the following:
> <code>
>           InitialContext context = null;
>           TransactionManager manager = null;
>           context = new InitialContext();
>           manager = (TransactionManager)context.lookup
> ("java:comp/UserTransaction");
>           manager.begin();
>           try {
>                org = createOrganization();
>                orgLoc = createOrganizationLocation();
>                orgUsers = createOrganizationUsers();
>                orgLocUsers = createOrgLocationUsers();
>                createEquipmentTypeOrganization();
>                regStatHist = createRegistrationStatusHist();
>                notifyUser();
>           }
>           catch(RegistrationException re) {
>                manager.rollback();
>                throw re;
>           }
>           manager.commit();
> </code>
> From the surface, this looks to work normally.  If an excpetion is thrown
> in any method, the entire transaction gets rolled back.
> however, our problem lies within the order that Orion calls the methods
> the EJB.  When the above code is *NOT* wrapped within
> a transaction, only the ejbCreate of each entity bean gets called.
> else.  However, wrapped in a transaction like the
> above, immediately after the ejbCreate method is called, the ejbStore
> method is called.  Now here is the big reason this is a bad thing.
> All of our tables have triggers on them that set two of the columns.
> triggers are set in the database on the insertion of a row.  But when
> the ejbStore method is called, it does not sync itself back up with the
> database to get the newly created values in these columns, and does an
> update
> with the locally held values, which happen o be null.  It seems that
> ejbLoad should be called *before* ejbStore gets called.
> Can someone tell me what I am missing here?  In order to get around this
> problem, we have resorted to hardcoding the proper trigger generated
> values into the EJB, but that is a very unflexible solution.  Any help
> would be greatly appreciated.
> James Birchfield
> Ironmax
> a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
> 5 Corporate Center
> 9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
> Suite 2000
> Louisville, KY 40223

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