Title: RE: classpath for third party tools

> Problem: When running on the same VM started by orion server
> they cannot
> find the path to these config files through classpath.
> java - cp %classpath%;..\..\some path -jar orion.jar does not work.

The java documentation says that when running a JAR, any user-specified classpath is ignored -- all classes are loaded from the JAR. Orion is doing it's own manual loading of those JARs from the lib directory.

> Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

You can change the way that Orion is started:

java -cp %classpath%;orion.jar;blahblah com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer

But you have to include all the JARs that orion needs. You'll find this list in the orion.jar's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file.


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